Surname first submitted by: Sanjay Dhar
R C RAINA says Tiky Chorum: This festival was celebrated in the house of Shri Prithvi Nath Ji Tikoo at Karfali Mohalla, Srinagar The compound had three houses all belonging to Tikoo's and there was a sacred well in the compound.Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits, irrespective of whether their surname was Tikoo or something else would visit the house of Shri Prithvi Nath Ji to have darshan if Mata Tripura. They would also lit ratabdeeps and place them around the sacred well. It used to be a full day festival. I have spent my childhood in this compound playing with Late Shri Satish Kumar Tikoo and other children of Tikoo families living there.

Comment was made 4 years ago
Sumit Tikoo says Hello tikoo guys

Comment was made 7 years ago
Rahul Tikku says Found something on the "Tiku" surname ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashmiri_Pandit_festivals Tiky Tsoram Tripura Sundari, literally meaning “she who is lovely in the three worlds”, is one of the most important goddesses worshipped in the Tantric tradition in Kashmir. Her cult is particularly popular among the Tiku clan of Kashmiri Pandits who celebrate her festival on Tiky chorum(4th.maag one day before Vasant Panchami) . The surname ‘Tiku’ is derived from “trika”, according to popular etymology. Her devotees believe that she combines in her form all three Goddesses, Mahalakshmi, Maha-sarswati and Mahakali, and all three of her cosmic functions. However, she is also worshipped by the entire Brahmin community in Kashmir and from very early times.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Syed Ali Haider says Well, one of my dearest friend has a surname Tickoo or Tikku , and during my childhood I use to tease her a lot calling her Tikku, Tikki etc but in this part of my life I realized that she turned to me as one of my closest friend rather my BFF ......... Thanx ya Arunima :) (Arunima Tickoo)

Comment was made 11 years ago
Ayan Mondal says I am a bengali having lots of kashmiri hindu friend. I have heard from them that TIKKU people are kashmiri warriors (ksatriya).

Comment was made 13 years ago
Shria Tikoo says i agree guys....eventhough pple make fun of our surname, they also respect us for the family n culture we hail from!!! proud to be a tikoo, proud to be a kashmiri!! :D

Comment was made 14 years ago
Aditi Tikku says ohh yea isha,i agree m really proud 2 be a kashmiri to,even after ppl finding my surname funny Still its in the blood n da family so m proud to be a TIKKU n a KASHMIRI!!! cheers

Comment was made 15 years ago
Rahul Tikku says i would like to know the origins of the "tikku" surname as not much has been written about it.

Comment was made 15 years ago
Isha Tikku says Im a Tikku and im proud to be a kashmiri. i just find all d kashmiri surnames hilarious! people make so much fun of my surname callin me tikki,tikka n all sorts lol

Comment was made 15 years ago

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