Surname first submitted by: Ashwani Kaul
Royal Singh Raina says As Per my Understanding and readings, There was the Person in 16th Century known as Pandit Narain Dass who was prominent Astrologer and worked as an Astrologer in Akbars Darbar. When Akbar decided to conquer Kashmir, Pandit Narain Dass suggests him to conquer next summer. Next Summer Akbar attacked Kashmir along with Pandit Narain Dass and was able to triumph over Kashmir. By seeing the beauty of Kashmir, Pandit Narain Dass decided to stay there. He called his family and settled in Rainawari area of Srinagar. He was blessed with 11 Sons. Some of his family members and grand children settled in Pir Panjal Area (Poonch, Rajouri, Bagh, Palandhri, Sudhnati etc) and Different regions of Kashmir as well. During the course of Aurangzeb, very little population of Raina’s become Muslim. In the start of 18th Century, Many Raina’s become Sikhs in Kashmir and Poonch and Pothowar Area. By this way, you may see Raina in all of the Religions. Now a days, most of the Raina are settled in Kashmir, Jammu and Poonch Region. Small population also lives in Himachal and Punjab( Jallandhar, Patiala, Pathankot, Amritsar etc) and in other parts of India as well. There are so many different stories related to history of Raina. It’s one of them.

Comment was made 7 months ago
Aryan Koul says For mu Raina brothers .. Originally RAINA was a brahmin surname... Used by Kashmiri Pandits .. after some gets converted into muslims and other into sikhs .. Its the simple funda ..

Comment was made 8 months ago
Dr. Jagmeet Raina says i myself am a Sikh Raina of Hindu heritage, seeing so many truly idiotic people spouting feces out their little pie holes, Sikh Kashmiris exist mostly due to the Sikh Empires conquest and their subsequent conversion of a ton of us, not saying it was forced, but it got influenced, so that is why my bloodline can be and is 100% Kashmiri, but also Sikh, people can convert, you idiots.

Comment was made 8 months ago
Ahmadmushtaq says Lmao what a baseless analysis has been done Muslims are themselves mixed with arabs,turks and persians They too aren't pure kashmiris Real natives are dravidians whom aryan invaders massacred and mixed Hence there is no concept of purity Another thing i am shocked to see how muslims are talking about the things of kuffar naudubillah

Comment was made 3 years ago
Vishal Raina says I wanted to know the ancestry of Surname Raina and Reen. Some are saying 1. Raina is Kashmiri surname descended from one Raina family from Rainawari. 2. Raina is Sikh surname, they were brought by Sikh rulers. Can anyone help me refer any book where I can find the old ancestry of Surnames Raina and Reen. We are Saraswat Brahmins. My gotra is Agastya.My forefathers are from Chirah/Plandari / Bagh which are part of Pakistan. I wanted to know my roots . Why Raina is called Reen as well. Please help me. I can me reached at my email vishalraina84@gmail.com Regards Vishal Raina

Comment was made 3 years ago
Raja Habib Jalib says It is all mixed up as these mountain tribes were ruled by many dynasties and worked with many great rulers, I am not sure that any Poonchi Tribe came from Afganistan or any outside Tribes. These are very tough lands and only people can survive in this land are Pharee people ,mountain men so all those lived in these areas from centuries ago can not be from Durrani or Sydozai , it must be a plain to avoid the origin of tribe, the reason was hate against Hindu religion as Dogra Raj was was brutal & they did not want to have any conection with Hindus (Raja Habib Jalib

Comment was made 3 years ago
Dr. Q. Wani says Actually all Rainas have Central Asian Aryan Kashmiri Brahmin background. Many converted to Islam such as the famous Musa Rania and a very few to Sikhism. Most Sikhs in the Valley are non-ethnic Kashmiris and came from the Punjab and Jammu. Thus ignore disinformation. The Jews are often planting this. Kashmiri language or people have nothing to do with the Punjabis (the Jews are pushing this fake theory), Kashmiri in its pure form is an Aryan Dardic language and Kashmiris Central Asian Aryans.

Comment was made 3 years ago
Musa Qaisar says Hi ! I’m Musa Qaisar Raina (Muslim) from Pakistan, our ancestral land is Rainawari Srinagar. Our family migrated during partition and now are settled in Gakkhar Punjab Pakistan form 74 years. It’s good to see Raina community from different ethnicities and religious beliefs in one place! In Pakistan Raina community is very few in number but I’m glad to see more of us!

Comment was made 4 years ago
Suneel Raina says I believe Raina originally are rajputs as they were ruling in a Kashmir They originally come from Rana but then in Kashmir they called Raina Then in 14 th century when Kashmir got converted then very few families remained mostly Bhat so Raina etc all then known as Kashmiri Pandits Then later some Raina converted to Sikhism Last Hindu queen Kota Rani ,s brother name was Ravan Raina Raina were then rajputs rulers of valley Later know as Pandits in Kashmir who did not converted

Comment was made 4 years ago
Muhammad Nauman Raina says Raina muhammad nauman iam from azad kashmir district muzaffarabad i read bistory of raina many times they are kashmiri pandats and ruler and we also migrated from kashmire aproxemately 6 century before we are muslims now and in p.o.k we are aproxemately 20 thousad only my facbook rana muhammad nauman kashmiri 00923005496359whats Aap

Comment was made 5 years ago
Piyush Raina says Some of information on above comments is true others are vague in nature but good effort

Comment was made 6 years ago
Chander Raina says Hello everyone I'm Chander Raina from Haryana my grand father was from Palandri now in POK after partition my grand father come here.our language is Poonchi and many of our people are lives in poonch area,before partition many of our people's was live in Palandri,Tatta Pani,Kotli Mirpur.

Comment was made 6 years ago
Jitendra Sharma says I am Jitendra Sharma my father and mother were from poonch (huranamaira villlage now in Pakistan and they were of Reen caste and August gotta. We still speak poonchi, the language spoken in poonch. We are Brahmin and do shradh in pitra paksh month. Please let me know our history. Further please let me know whether RAINA & the REEN caste of Brahmin is same.

Comment was made 6 years ago
Irfan Raina says As per my knowledge because i am muslim Raina.two brothers bnsi lal chander and so sarm chander migrated to kashmir in mugal era.they both were belonging to chanderwanshi dynasty.when they migrated to kashmir later maharaja gulab singh welcome them,being Rajput's they placed them as sipa salar of his army because rajputs were fighters and emperors of the state.When revolution of islam came in kashmir few of them converted to islam and Khitab was given to them that Raina Khitab. (Not only who changed their religion bt all dynasty got this khitab)because they were giving their best traning to the defence army of mahraja.Raina was not a cast but later it becoms a cast.with the passage of time some of them migrated to other parts of india.Rainas are few .with different Goathrs...all Rains are one Blood ..some are pandits,musims and sikhs.

Comment was made 7 years ago
Ahmad Bhat says While I agree that most Sikhs in the Valley are of non-Kashmiri (Jammu and Piunjab) yet a few Kashmiris may have converted to this great religion. Few Sikhs carry the name Rainas but have through time mixed with other Sikhs. As such they have little Kashmiri looks and do not speak Kashmiri either as their mother tomngue. The Bhats (Butts) are surely of Kashmiri Pandit origin and are pure Kashmiris. In fact Kashmiri Butts are all over in Pakistan particularly in Lahore and Gujranwala. They have proven to be great wrestlers. The great Gama was a Butt. In fact even now mostly Butts are fielded by Pakistan in wrestling, weightlifting, etc. The genuine Kashmiri ethnic stock is pure Aryan and Central Asian.

Comment was made 7 years ago
Mustaq says The Sikhs in Kashmir are surely not ethnic Kashmiris but from Jammu and Punjab. Their language. looks, culture, etc. is also different from Kashmiris. Though these people also belong to the Aryan Race while the Kashmiris are a distinct group of Central Asian Aryans. The Khatri (a merchant) class of Punjabis also arrived in Kashmir and they are non-Kashmiris closer to the Sikhs. The main castes of Kashmiris both Muslims and Hindus are Bhat (Butt), Pandit, Raina., Kaul, Pandit, etc. While in some castes such as Wani, Tantrey and the famous caste of warriors Magrey have allnacceptednow Islam.

Comment was made 7 years ago
Dr. Wani says The Sikhs are Kashmir are mostly non-Kashmiris and are mainly from the Punjab and Jammu region. They arrived in Kashmir during Sikh rule. A fine and hardworking people.

Comment was made 7 years ago
Jaspreet says Who are rance in sikh community? please advise

Comment was made 7 years ago
Aadil Rahman says I am kashmiri waza what is my orgin

Comment was made 8 years ago
Ajaz says i am raina

Comment was made 8 years ago
Aslam says Tantrey people are a good caste. In Rajatarigini the Tantrin (Sanskrit) are the soldiers. The Tantrey caste is derived from this origin. Another group of great warriors are the Magasa (Sanskrit warrior Kshatriya) the Magrey are descendants from them. Most people in the Valley of Kashmir are of pure Aryan Central Asian origin. As anticipated the Jews (they are generally insecure) are trying to change the history of Kashmir to serve their agenda. Yehudi posheney Kashiran.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Mohammad Shafi says I am Tantray by caste. can anybody let me know my origin

Comment was made 8 years ago
Muteeb says Ijaz Ahmad Raina to my knowledge raina are kashmiri pandits from rainawari area.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Ijaz Ahmad Raina says Please Anyone Know and Tell Me about the Origin of Raina Family??????? From Where the Raina Family Actually Belonged????? What is the Term "Rainawal"??????

Comment was made 8 years ago
Swaraj Deepak Raina says I am also raina I have history of 13 generations my father's birth place was chawal gaon in pehlgaon. His date of birth 1920. I have seen sikh and muslim raina also. I have asked so many peoples that generally said raina are those who live in Raina badi a small mohalla near Dal lane ? Is it so ? I don't know . But I am brahmin with goutam gotra that's true.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Swaraj Deepak Raina says I am also raina I have history of 13 generations my father's birth place was chawal gaon in pehlgaon. His date of birth 1920. I have seen sikh and muslim raina also. I have asked so many peoples that generally said raina are those who live in Raina badi a small mohalla near Dal lane ? Is it so ? I don't know . But I am brahmin with goutam gotra that's true.

Comment was made 8 years ago
M. Aslam says The title Raina originates from the Kashmir Valley, example Ramachandra Raina. During the period of Hindu Kashmir often Poonch, Rajapuri (Rajouri) were under Kashmir thus Raina people moved in these areas. The Sikhs a fine people in Kashmir are outsiders and are mainly from Jammu and the Punjab. Their ethnicity and language is totally different from us (Muslims and Pandits) and they are distinct people living mainly in Tral and Baramulla. Some carry the name Raina (most have Punjabi family names) as a few Kashmiris became Sikhs in Poonch and Rajouri and then they married with other Sikhs of Jammu and Punjab. We love and welcome the Sikhs in the Valley but they do not call themselves Kashmiris either. They are of Jammu-Punjab region. Many Kishtwar Muslims-Hindus are pure Kashmiris, look Kashmiri and speak Kashmiri. Most of us Muslims today in the Valley are converts from Hindus of Kashmir and still maintain our caste names. No controversy simple and fundamental.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Iqbal Saasan says Saasan ,Sudan,ishar,raina,poonj,phaglal,rishi all are brahmin siks caste which run side by side of Mohyal brahmin Sikhs as the title bakshi is common among these castes Jai maa Reinuka devi jai Parhuram Dhann bhai mati dass ji

Comment was made 8 years ago
Mustaq Pandit says It is true most (very few converted to Sikhism in the Valley in reality) Sikhs arrived in the Valley from Jammu and Punjab rule during Sikh rule. The Sikhs look different, have a different culture and language from the Kashmiris but are state subjects. Due to the difference they are often not trusted, which is against Islam Thus must get same rights as Kashmiris. They should be treated equally in the Valley and given a chance to get an education. I would agree Raina is originally a Kashmiri surname without doubt. In fact many Muslim converts from Kashmiri Hindus still carry the family name Raina.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Tarsem Singh Bali says Most Sikhs in the Valley are from the Punjab and Jammu. They are converts from different castes. Example Balis are converts from Punjabi Brahmins. The ethnicity of Kashmir is totally different and is typically Central Asian Aryan. Most Muslims in the Valley are converts from Kashmiri Hindus. More like Pamir and Tajik people. While majoirty of Indians are Indian Aryans. Note Central Asia has often been a part of Aryavarta (Bharat).

Comment was made 8 years ago
Preet says Hlo Everybody i am curious about the brahmin sikhs who lived in kashmir,as i belongs to SASAN cast but i didn't find anything else rather than they are brahmin who converted hindi brahmin, IF anybdy know enyhting about them Please provide some information. Thanks P

Comment was made 8 years ago
Harjot Singh says My surname is Reen and i am a Brahmin by jaati, Sikh by religion and a jatt by profession as we do have land/farming. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur was a Brahmin Sikh who established first Sikh rule. Raina surname belongs to kashmiri brahmins or the people who have relations with jammu and kashmir.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Talal Butt says Kashmiri language is Dardic language. Indians are black australoids. No one in modern world care about Aryan crap. If as a Kashmiri I have to choose between a semetic person and a black australoid so-called indian aryan then I would surely choose a semetic person over a black indian australoid aryan. By the way genetically speaking Dardic kashmiris are closer to a semetic jew than to an black aryan indian baboon.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Dr. M. Aslam Sufi says Actually the Jews are trying to Semitize racially our beloved land Kashmir. The Jews spend money and spread disinformation but Aryan people are ahead of the Semite-Jew. I am both a proud Muslim and proud Aryan-Kashmiri.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Dr. M.A. Sufi says Actually Kashmiri language is a proto-Aryan a pure Aryan language so are surely the Kashmiris of pure Aryan stock. Some Kashmiris have modified their names. Kher is not a Kashmiri name Khar is. The latter has been changed to Khar by few Kashmiris. . Nevertheless, Kailash Kher is not a Kashmiri (though some idiots without checking deeply on him have married him to a Waza Kashmiri family). We Kashmiris (both Muslims and our Kashmiri Pandit brethren) are proud of our ethnicity, roots, culture, etc. Be careful of the foreign influenced India media, they are making non-kashmiris as Kashmiris to create a chaos. Check families deeply. P.S. The Jew is making the Aryan Kashmiris as Darads. Read our history Darads are our neighbors and also Aryans. In the Valley of Kashmir the Bhatts (Butts) are all descended from the Aryan Kashmiri Brahmins. They converted to our beloved Islam. A recent converted Butta is the ancestor of Farooq Abdullah, namely, Raghu Ram. Sorry darling Jews and your plants you can not change Kashmiri history.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Dr. M.A. Sufi says Actually Kashmiri language is a proto-Aryan a pure Aryan language so are surely the Kashmiris of pure Aryan stock. Some Kashmiris have modified their names. Kher is not a Kashmiri name Khar is. The latter has been changed to Khar by few Kashmiris. . Nevertheless, Kailash Kher is not a Kashmiri (though some idiots without checking deeply on him have married him to a Waza Kashmiri family). We Kashmiris (both Muslims and our Kashmiri Pandit brethren) are proud of our ethnicity, roots, culture, etc. Be careful of the foreign influenced India media, they are making non-kashmiris as Kashmiris to create a chaos. Check families deeply.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Dr. Krishan Koul says Raina is a Sanskrit origin name from Kashmir and her neighborhood. Names have no meaning generally in the Valley and only Gotras have. Each Gotra descended from an Aryan Rishi. Names can be titles got via employment or pet-names. Such as Khar (donkey), Fotadar (Persian not Arabic for in-charge of treasury), Magazine (in-charge of the armory), Kachur (reddish), Bahadur (brave), Wattal (janitor), Nehru (near a stream) etc.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Prof. S. Kamat says Very nice discussion. Truth: Raina surname was found in ancient Kashmir read Srivara. All Saraswat Brahmins are Central Asian in origin. Kashmir is Central Asia. Compare The Kashmiri and Tajik, very similar looks structure, etc. All Saraswat Brahmins are pure Aryan. We all are keen to see our Kashmiri Pandit Brothers retain their unique culture, history and ethnicity. Yes the KPs hold the Indian flag high still in the Valley. Ignore foreign propaganda.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Lalit S Jamwal says I totally agree the Kashmiris are truly Central Asian Aryans and what the Jews are trying to do is to create a confusion in India. Saraswat Brahmins of Afghanistan (the Hindu Shahi Brahmin dynasty) and Kashmir were pretty similar. All Saraswat Brahmins have common origin. Northarasvatī is an exact cognate with Avestan Haraxvatī, perhaps originally referring to Arədvī Sūrā Anāhitā (modern Ardwisur Anahid), the Zoroastrian mythological world river, which would point to a common Indo-Iranian myth of a cosmic or mystical Sáras-vat-ī river. In the younger Avesta, Haraxvatī is Arachosia, a region described to be rich in rivers, and its Old Persian cognate Harauvati, which gave its name to the present-day Hārūt River in Afghanistan, may have referred to the entire Helmand drainage basin (the center of Arachosia).western and Central Asian Aryan orgins. Sarastvati River. To differentiate parts of Afghanistan, Kashmir, Tajikistan is next to impossible since all this region had common borders in the past and most of this territory was part of ancient Aryavarta. Let not the divisive propaganda of the Jews permeate India. I have lived in Kashmir and believe Kashmiri Brahmins are great Indian nationalists. They do however have their unique Central Asian culture which they like to retain. India is a colorfull and must stay colorful. We ruled Kashmir and know the feelings of Kashmiris.

Comment was made 10 years ago
T D Dogra (Jhangotra) says There is big problem with Kashmiri Saraswat Brahmins they have alienated from rest of the Saraswat community and think as if they have originated in the valley itself and are a different breed or different species of Saraswat or it is a special community which came from central Asia or direct from heavens. It has made them a laughing stock among the Saraswat community.The history of Saraswati river and its existence has now been proved beyond doubt and migration of Saraswat brahmins to valley is well documented.And subsequent re-migration to Punjab, Jammu and Himachal is also well established. As far Raina are concerned they have their origin from NAGARKOT which is beyond any doubt. Raina exist in Jammu, Himachal and adjoining Punjab from the times of TRIGARTA . There are twon groups one which has gone to valley and come back and other which has never migrated to valley. There are plenty such Raina Saraswat Brahmins in Jammu and Himachal.No Kashmiri Saraswat is different species the DNA study is available which well establishes that all saraswat are of common origin and migration is below upwards meaning Jammu to Kashmir in ancient times.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Raina says We wrote raina bt we r actually raine?can i take sc reservation.?

Comment was made 10 years ago
Lalit S. Jamwal says Stumbled into this fine discussion. A Dogra-Ksatriya (Rajput) I grew up in the Valley thus speak Kashmiri fluently. The name Raina is indigenous to Kashmir and Greater Kashmir and pre-dates Sikhism. Kashmir Valley had Ramachandra Raina (much before Guru Nanak) and Muslim converted Musa Raina both were famous in Kashmir. Most Hindus and Muslims (mostly converted from Kashmiri Hindus) in the Valley are Aryan Central Asians. The Sikhs arrived with Maharaja Ranjit Singh and belong mainly to the Bapha-Sikh group and are originally mostly from Jammu, Punjab, etc. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a Sandhu Jat. No Jat-Sikhs or Rajput-Sikhs are to be found in the Valley. Dr. Lalit S. Jamwal JAMMU TAWI

Comment was made 10 years ago
Dr. D.N. Raina says Little knowledge is dangerous. Raina is indigenous to Kashmir. Read Srivara. I know the roots of Raina. Much chaos is attempted in Aryan Kashmir by the Jewish infiltrated Indian media. P.S. Note this site is a lay one and they have not researched things deeply. All Kashmiris are descendants of Aryan Manu. Our Gotras are based on Aryan Rishis. Family names have no meaning and have often been picked up due to many reasons including professions. See titles such as Magazine, Misri (Sanskrit means mixed), etc. Most of our Muslim brothers are recent converts from Hindus from different castes. Tantrey (Tantrin in Sanskrit soldier), Wani (Wania in Sanskrit, businessman), Butt, Pandits, Rishes.,Sofis. Maliks, etc. are often Brahmin origin. P.S. Study from Kalhana and recent great scholars like Pandit Anand Koul. Note also many names such as Khar (not Kher) are from Sanskrit and Fotedar is spelt erroneously. It is in realty Fotadar a Mughal (Persian) title.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Dr. D.N. Raina says Little knowledge is dangerous. Raina is indigenous to Kashmir. Read Srivara. I know the roots of Raina. Much cha0s is attempted in Aryan Kashmir by the Jewish infiltrated Indian media. P.S. Note this site is a lay one and they have not researched things deeply. All Kashmiris are desecdents of Aryan Manu. Our Gotras are based on Aryan Rishis. Family names have no meaning and have often been picked up due to many reasons including professions. See titles such as Magazine, Misri (Sanskrit means mixed), etc. Most of our Muslim brothers are recent converts of Hindus from different castes. Tantrey (Tantrin in Sanskrit soldier), Wani (Wania in Sanskrit, businessman), Butt, Pandits, Rishes.,Sofis. Maliks, etc. are often Brahmin origin.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Dr. D.N. Raina says Little knowledge is dangerous. Raina is indigenous to Kashmir. Read Srivara. I know the roots of Raina. Much chaas is attempted in Aryan Kashmir by the Jewish infiltrated Indian media.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Sandeep Meena says Suresh raina is my favourate crickete plyer number one player of india

Comment was made 10 years ago
T D Dogra says According to British Government publication titled " tribes and caste of Punjab and north western frontier area" mentions about Raina Brahmans. It says the Raina Brahmins were original inhabitant of the NAGARKOT, the present day Kangra in Himachal Pradesh and are in top categary of NAGARKOTIA Saraswat Brahmins.They derive their name as they use to accompany with the army in war field and use to provide logistic support during war to king and Army. The war field in Sanskrit is called the RAN, hence they were called RAINA, the one going to RUN or war field. Thus they are warier Brahmins hence many of them may have started writing SINGH, but they are pure Saraswat brahmins.

Comment was made 10 years ago
T D Dogra says According to British Government publication titled " tribes and caste of Punjab and north western frontier area" mentions about Raina Brahmans. It says the Raina Bramins were original inhabitant of the NAGARKOT, the present day Kangra in Himachal Pradesh and are in top ctegary of NAGARKOTIA Saraswat Brahmins.They derive their name as they use to accompany with the army in war field and use to provide logistic support during war to king and Army. The war field in Sanskrit is called the RAN, hence they were called RAINA, the one going to RUN or war field. Thus they are warieri Brahmins hence many of them may have started writing SINGH, but they are pure Saraswat brahmins.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Ashutosh Pandey says he is a very good player at india

Comment was made 10 years ago
Tarunpreetsinghraina says rajinder you says raina are,not pandit ok i appreciate that but if they are not pandit so who are they which caste they belongs

Comment was made 11 years ago
Rajinder Singh Raina says The Raina or Reen who are originated from POONCH Distt. of Kashmir are originally not Brahmins they were brought here frm Punjab(Farmers/Yodha's) by Raja Ranjeet Singh to increase his power at Northern Frontier where the Muslim population was High. The Fact is this the Language of Poonchi Reen/Rainas is more similar with Punjabi than that of Pushto.

Comment was made 11 years ago
Rahul Raina says Raina - It is stated that the Pandits who originally belonged to Rainawari and later settled down in the main city were known as Raina. Mr. Fauq states that Rainawari was the capital of the famous King Rana Datta 436 A.D.-497 A.D. There was also a large garden of this king situated at the site of present Rainawari and Vari in Kashmiri means a garden. Thus Rainawari meant a garden belonging to the king Ranadatta. Another view expressed is that it, like Razdan, is a corrupted form of the title Rajanaka.

Comment was made 11 years ago
Sanjay Singh Raina says Raina is not a brahmin surname. All here with raina surname are hard to believe on . Raina is used by Dogra people who are kshatriya clan. Rina is used by dogra, some raina living in J&k believe that they are Kashmiri pandit but that does not mean they are brahmin... ANY HINDU IN KASHMIR is called as kashmiri pandit but they are not aa brahmins or real pandits... Suresh raina, indian cricket player, his father Triloki Chand is a Pure raghuvanshi blood of Grhwal . His mother parvesh raina is dogra kshatriya. That does ot mean that he is a brahmin... Like suresh raina, many other raina of J and K belong mainly to dogra clan of kshatriyas... Most of the raina in delhi and mumbai are Dogra rajputs... So this is the fact and no one can avoid it...

Comment was made 11 years ago
Udit Sharma says many raina's are sikhs but they got converted into sikhs during the time of sikh guru teg bahadur ji.before it they were brahmins.

Comment was made 11 years ago
Anup Sharma says I am Anup Sharma resident of a tinny village Akhlaspur near Dhariwal distt Gurdaspur of Punjab. My grandfather told me that we are inhabitant of Kashmir &your family migrated during 6th migration of Kashmiri Pandits in 1970 . our ancestors ruled Kashmir in 14th century so we are also called Rajdhan. Pandits inhabited of RainaBari& Rajdhan are same.&one

Comment was made 11 years ago
Devkant Raina says it looks really funny that people have devised their own concepts and floated them. Most of them are themselves raina's and god knows from where they devised that Raina's are the same as Reen or Razdan. most of them do not know why they carry the caste Raina behind their names and boastfully tell their cooked up story. Rainas are direct descendants to Sage Agastya also termed as muni Agastyar (In Tamil Nadu). He was the first Siddha ever born. The family that started from him was the Raina's because it all started from Raina Baadi a place in kashmir. The surname is nothing but name of place from where the Raina family started.

Comment was made 12 years ago
ROHIT RAINA says RAINA is a surname and its not sure whether RAINA is derived from Razdan or Razdan is derived from RAINA. Many believe that it basically depend on "Gautras". People say Raina's were administrator Brahmins. As the whole region was a Brahmin Hindu Region so Administrators were required thats why the term "RAZ" which in Kashmiri means Ruler (kind of) there came the word Razdan.and Razdan and Raina are one and the same thing, they just used different surnames, but family tree is same. Gautras like "SWAMI GAUTAM" etc is few. Thanks Rohit Raina twitter-@rohitraina facebook- fb.com/rraina2

Comment was made 12 years ago

Comment was made 13 years ago
Asd says reen and raina both are brahmin surnames, but quiet different.

Comment was made 14 years ago
B says Can anyone please tell if Reen last name originated from Raina last name?

Comment was made 15 years ago
Rahul says Raina's were mainly kashmiri brahmins whose ancestors had Rajdan as a surname. Concrete evidences as to why & where from this surname came is not known.

Comment was made 15 years ago
Ak says No its not necessary that Raina's r bRAHMIN. Bcoz my mom is raina fron jammu but shez belongs to sikh family means she is sikh.

Comment was made 16 years ago
Vikas Kapoor says please can someone tell if raina is a surname started in italy,

Comment was made 19 years ago
Karuna Raina says Please find out if Raina started from Italy.

Comment was made 19 years ago
Sonam says rainas r brahmins!

Comment was made 19 years ago
Deepa Narayanan says Rainas are achievers.are they brahmins?

Comment was made 20 years ago
Ashwani Raina says its a very good attempt

Comment was made 21 years ago

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