Surname first submitted by: Ashwani Kaul
Bhanawat Ramu Bhatt Dhadi says 15th century Physician from Kashmir who treated King Zain ul Abdin. 13 Bhana Bhatt 7th century Sanskrit scholar . 14 Sheni Gopalakrishna Bhat, Yakshagana artist 15 Vidhwan Krishna Bhat, Kerekai was a noted Tala-Maddale artist from Karnataka state, India. 16 Yogaraj Bhat is a prominent Kannada film director, lyricist, producer and screenwriter. 17 Rishi Bhat ( Born 1984) is a former American child actor and a millionaire internet software entrepreneur. Rishi Bhat is of Indian Origin. 18 U. Narayan Bhat (Born 1934) is a renowned Indian born Mathematician, known for his contributions to queueing theory and reliability theory. 19 Ramesh Bhat award winning Karnatka actor and a close associate of Shanker Nag . 20 Justice U L Bhat former Chief Justice of Assam. 21 Guruja Bhat Noted Historian and scholar. 22 Actress Pooja Bhatt and her sister Alia Bhatt. Others 1 O P Bhatt Ex Chairman State Bank of India . 2 Ajay Bhatt well known Computer Architect. 3 Pandit Sahaj Bhat and Pandit Sham Lal Bhat renowned Physicians and Hakeems from Kashmir .. 4 Balaji Vishwanath Bhat. Peshwa and founder of the Peshwa Dynasty Surprisingly Butt is again a surname whose origin in Europe is traced to England. It is derived from old French word BUT meaning target . Some believe that it is a distorted form of the word Bath meaning Bible songs. Are these Butts of Europe also from the Bhat clan of India which lived on the Banks of Sarsawsti river ? Historians mostly say emphatic NO. Then we have Butts in France , Germany and USA as well . I can quote well known persons from Europe with Butt Surname….. 1 Issac Butt well known Irish leader 2. Maggie Butt British poet . 3 Gavin Butt British Art Historian . 4 Peter Butt American Film maker . 5 Alfred Butt British theatre Entrepreneur 6 Brent Butt Canadian actor and writer . 7 Len Butt Footballer from UK 8 Miriam Butt Linguist from Germany 9 Harry Butt cricketer from UK 10 Tom Butt Americam Politician in California . 11 Tameka Butt Australian Association Footballer. So Long so Much ….. Sar Zameen e Hind Pe Aqvaam e aalam Ke “Firaq ” Kaafilay Bastay Gaye Hindustaan Bantaa Gayaa" ( Firaq Gorakhpuri ) ( In this land that is India, Groups from many nations of the world kept settling , That is how India kept emerging and Assembling itself . )

Comment was made 2 years ago
Adesh Dhar says Bhat is a Kashmiri Pandit brahman surname which is used by kashmiri muslims who converted from brahman during islamic invasions. then in 18th century kashmiri muslims went to punjab during kashmir famine and during sikh/dogra raj and now are called Butts. Root of everyone is a kashmiri pandit, I am born in kashmiri pandit Dhar family and similar to Bhat, Dar are among Kashmiri muslims and who moved to pak. Root is Dhar Kashmiri Pandit caste.

Comment was made 2 years ago
Ali says This Talat Butt is a clown who knows nothing. He thinks Kashmiri Muslims are descendants of jews/arabs. All these people Butt, Dar, Wani, Kaul, Mir, Lone, Raina are descendants of Kashmiri pandits. Kashmiris first accepted Islam from Hinduism in 14th century. I’m from Butt family living in Pakistani Punjab. Majority of people are facing identity crisis.

Comment was made 3 years ago
Priyanshu Bhat says Bhat/Bhatt is original shortened rendition of "Bhatta which in sanskrit means scholar/teacher, This title is being hold by brahamins and many converted Muslims who doesn't like to change their identity of previously being a hindu origin or may be any likings for the title itself. Bhats are found all our India in J&K Gujrat, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Mangalore,Bengal and Uttarakhand, UP Thanks

Comment was made 3 years ago
Khawaja Muhsin Bhat says My full name is Khawaja Muhsin Nabi Bhat Father: Gh Nabi Bhat Grandfather: Khawaja Abdul Khalil Bhat Great grandfather:Khawaja Md Abdullah Bhat Great great gf: Khawaja Abdul Ghaffar Bhat .... Khawaja Ab Gani Bhat . .(continued) We have our own lands (Apple orchards now) at Anantnag since past 200 years. Our family is business family, all of my forefathers have been traders. We belong to Bhat caste and use Khawaja as title. Our family usually marries in castes like Rather, Lone, Bhat, Wani, and Dar, but there is no hard and fast rule to marry within these castes only. But if someone wants to marry within lower castes, they face objections. For example, if I will tell my parents that I want to marry a girl who belongs to Kumar/Najar/Sheikh/Hajam/Chopan/Ahanger/ anyother lower caste,,,they will not accept. Sometimes, parents also don't consent a marriage if a girl belongs to Sayyid castes because of some sort of incompatibility among Bhats and Sayyids, but here rejection is not that much strong as in case of lower castes

Comment was made 4 years ago
Khawaja Muhsin Bhat says Khawaja is a title, not a caste. Khawaja title is used by well off families who are mostly traders and have lands; it is also used to indicate some connection with sufis. Some Bhats in kashmir including my family use khawaja along with Bhat in the name.

Comment was made 4 years ago
Ummer Bhat says I was thinking bhat are found only in kashmiris, but in other places too there are bhat but they are not kashmiri. So what is the origin?

Comment was made 7 years ago
Moazzam says one can not completely rule out links mentioned by Tallal Butt, as when you go around take a visit to thickly connected vallies lying within the mountainous surrounding of swat, including gilgit,sakardu,mansehra,abbottabad and many other places sahring boarders from north of Pakistan with Afghanistan, there are many places with the names starting with Butt,khawaja,mir. butt are in great numbers living in Pakistan and mostly are migrated from Kashmir valley and this migration took place over centuries. religion can be any but its a fact, butt are brave,intelligent,hardworking and have great love for food. it is very difficult to make them subject and hardly will accept suppression from any quarter.hindu also admit that butt or bhutt are brahmins so they must have highly been respected in any era and society which comprises over hindu majority. in islam conversion by mean of force is forbidden. in kashmir muslim scholars played a big role in conversion, as there is an appeal for all walks of life, as there is no discrimination in Islam on the basis of caste, creed and religion and all human beings are taught to be treated as "Equal".

Comment was made 7 years ago
Maleecha Kashmiri Butt says Original Kashmiris were called Malechha people in Mahabharata and other puras of Hindus. They were clubbed together with other Malechha races of the north west sub-continent like Darada, Kamboja etc. We Kashmiri Butt are proud descendants of the Malechha Kashmiris related to Daradas and Kambojas. I am proud to have pure blood of Maleechha Kashmiris.

Comment was made 7 years ago
Professor Ramesh Bhat says It's all about to all gentlemen who can truely understand how historical facts played important role in prevalence of Bhatt/Bhat/Butt surname in any part of Asian continent. ****Aryabhatt--Famous Ancient Indian Scientist**** **************Bajirao Balal Bhatt*********** Now this man played important role in the expansion of Bhatt surname in entire Indian sub-continent. He expanded the Maratha kingdom up to Afghanistan in 18th century. That's why Bhatt surname peoples migrated even to muslim nations such as Kashmir, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. But in Modern Indian, India was distributed by British into India and Pakistan. Bhatt peoples living in Pakistan, Kashmir, and Afghanitan forcefully converted into Islam, what they are now using surname as Bhat/Butt of respected Muslim community. Even the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is of Butt clan (used in Indian Kashmir and Indian Punjab area) of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). But he doesn't use Butt surname because it may disturb entire Muslim community as this surname reminds of dominant Hindu Brahmin community and also of Baji rao Balal Bhat, who destroyed Mughal empire in Indian. Even Nawaz Sharif's wife is of Butt clan of IoK. So please stop bashing this surname. Bhatt surname is of very huge clan.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Tariq Ahmed says @Suhail Shah No it is very rare. I have only come across 1 or 2 in my life.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Suhail Shah says Tariq Ahmed do many kashmiris in valley use khawaja in their names?

Comment was made 8 years ago
Muteeb says Bhat is just a brahmin name, there is no argument about it.

Comment was made 8 years ago
Moazzam Khan says I saw some of my relatives migrated from Kashmir valley and were from Butt families, they used to call Butto or Batta . even to all Kashmiri whether they were Mirs, Lones or Rathers and so on. most Kashmiri were pandit and from the noble profession of " Teaching". it is not necessarily true, that who so ever living in other part of Pakistan or India or Nebal with the surname of Bhutt,butt, bhatt are the same and from the Kashmiri cast of Butt/bhutt. it is also said in the old books that Kashmiri are Dardic. over the centuries migration from other parts from within the region, jew also came, Afghans, Turks, Iranian,Aryans from Central Asia.kashmiri people embrased islam in large number, Syed Ali hamdan (i apologize for any spell/nmae. misake). Kashmiri also went out side valley and settlement in different parts now Pakistan and India, Nepal, Afghanistan , in pretty large number, but major proportion towards Pakistan and India. Kashmiri have documented history back to 5000 years, cosine, culture and life style of Kashmir are very famous and distinct and they are proud of which for sure. many Kashmiri families went for a variance to make change, adopted surnames to make peaceful settlement in Punjab and other parts, for land owner ship, jobs with the government institutions and so on over the years till 1947, as Kashmiris were banned from buying residential or commercial lands, properties and seeking jobs ( not all but certain catagories)

Comment was made 8 years ago
Dr Sharad Bhatt says We are most free to exercise our freedom of Expression n express our views.Par SHARAAFAT bhi koi cheez hoti hai jo hame jaahiliyat se door le jaati hai aur ek Sharif aur Ikhlaaqui INSAAN banaati hai.Beharahaal--we must keep a check on our emotional out-burst.Always without fail a gentlemen shall use good language and ensure avoid use of any words/ statement which may hurt some body.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Abdul Rahman Bhat says I am also a Bhat from srinagar. Love my Kashmir very much, i am far away from home right, but my people are facing worst brutality right now. I can't wait to go home.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Mohsin Showkat says kashmiris are totally different from indians. Kashmiris are related to semitic people and we have nothing to do with indian.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Talal Butt says Kashmiris are more closely related to semitic jews than ugly baboon indian aryans. Alberuni wrote in 10th century much before that hindu clown Kalhan pandit that jews were allowed to enter in kashmir and settle there, many kashmiris especially lighter skinned are descended of those jews settled during those time. Long live Kashmiri and semitic jews ancient connections.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Sherawat says Mr.Ramulu Bhanawat, ytou have written about dhadi, that Raja Nand said, ":o God I am Dhadi " Where you found this statements. Please let write about this information. If you have it.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Tawseef Bhat says kashmiri qoum ka taaluk bunyadi toor pe aryan race se hai.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Tawseef Bhat says kashmirio mei bhat zat purani hai. zaat aur qabeela taaruf ke liye hai. Khuda ke aage zat se insan ka wajood uncha ya neecha nahi hota. Tawseef Bhat from tral

Comment was made 9 years ago
Qaseem Bhat says Qaseem Bhat My suranme is Bhat too. Happy to be one and a proud kashmiri muslim. Bhat are most common among us. I'm from proper Srinagar and according to our family history, we moved to srinagar area from south kashmir around 260 years back.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Talal Butt says In my kashmiri dictionary a kashmiri is only that person living in kashmir for centuries who is white skinned and so is his whole family. All those people in kashmir who are black or dark skinned are immigrants from india, doesn't matter if they are hindu or muslim, doesn't matter if they are Bhat, Butt, Dar, kaul or whatever shittt. A racially kashmiri person is only white skinned kashmiri!

Comment was made 9 years ago
Dr Sharad Bhatt says in the geopolitical region called Aryawart since time immemorial,people performing certain functions were allocat ed certain Titles,which depicted there social/political/rit ual position in hiearchy.But relative actual position in a given social set up was subject to several factors includin competitors.History is the witness to confirm BHATT people had very difficult periods even in kashmir n also in Bihar subject to political environment(favorable/Un).Like-wise environment has effects on human body.Skin color depends upon presence/absence of rays of certain wavelength,n may affect DNA also.Immediate visible change is skin TANNING.Lets be brother n nothing else despite our prejudices/dispensation/belief etc

Comment was made 9 years ago
*Chandra Shekhar Bhatt* says *** Hello, my name is Chandra Shekhar Bhatt, resident of Dehradun, Uttarakhand. My ancestry is from Kumaon, Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, Father (Bhatt's), Mother (Joshi's). Please don't get confuse between surname BHATT and BUTT. BHATT are class of Brahmins since centuries living in different parts of India, where BUTT are class of ***Muslims***, who by misfortune came to INDIA and actually totally destroyed INDIA. Actually I would like to say that most of the countries, where are ***Muslims*** are residing are backward countries or may either be destroyed or polluted because of ***Muslim*** religions and practices. For e.g. about 99.99% terrorists are of ***Muslim*** origin. ***MUSLIMS*** may have white skins but they are ***EVIL DOERS***, while HINDUS, even with black skin are honest, respect-giving and with patriotic nature. If is the perhaps back luck of INDIA that muslims are living in INDIA. It is my heartiest request to all countries of word, please think and examine a lot before giving nationality to ***Muslims***. I don't hate Pakistan as Pakistan is already hell containing ***Muslims*** but ***I LOVE MY INDIA, MY BHARAT***. ***JAI HIND***, ***BHARAT MATA KI JAI***. ****INDIA MAY LIVE LONG***. ***

Comment was made 9 years ago
Gautam says islam has destroyed hindus of kashmir valley by forced conversion now converted kashmiri r pakistani supporter shameful they r snatching hindu surname

Comment was made 9 years ago
Razi Butt says Everyone in kashmir who is black skinned has genes of hindus. Everyone in kashmir who is light white skinned has genes of muslims from middle east, iran and afghanistan.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Bannavath Ramulu says Dhadi Or Dhari And Dadi orginal Rajuput and bhat and Jat and pochala tribal .Adaptive father of srikrishna bhagavan .Maharaj Nanda Gopal Said to krishna .oh God .oh my lord iam not asking claim .only bhakthi iam your dhadi. dhadi is Hindu cast .In south india dhadi cast like andrapradesh and maharasta .Tamilanadu and karnataka All Are following Hindu Dharam .basic is Hindu. in india mahammodian ruling same dhadies converted into islam

Comment was made 9 years ago
Saqib Bhat says My name is Saqib Omair Bhat from Doda, my great grand father migrated here along with a dozen other kashmiri families. We are originally from Anantnag District. Bhat is most common surname among kashmiris. Maybe every 4rth person has bhat surname.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Sherawat says Information of Dhadi in ancient history.

Comment was made 9 years ago
Mir Syed Aabid says me belongs from mir syed caste . my name is mir syed aabid my father mir syed jhan his father mir syed gulam rasool his father mir syed khazir his father mir syed gulam qadir. according our history of family we are comming from persia . i am feeling very proud with my caste becouse my mom dad both belongs my mir syed caste. i love my caste ... i am proud with muslim and with mir caste...from past many years we are doing a royality business of pashmina ...

Comment was made 10 years ago
Arjun says Kashmir has very large history which can't be said in gist. Before 2 century BC , Kashmir was a grazing field, with mild population. As according to Hinduism it is believed that Lord Shiva lives in Himalayas or around. Adishankara , from present day kerala went along with his followers went to Himalayas in search of Lord. First he and his followers decided to stay permanently in kashmiri. His followers where pandits who practice daily pujas and built temples. These people are Bhats. They can be found in West coast of southern india. Later Adishankara moved on. As migration from one religion to another they kept their surname as Bhats.

Comment was made 10 years ago

Comment was made 10 years ago
Ahmed Jawad Butt says Hello my name is Ahmed Jawad Butt and my father name was Jahangir ahmed butt my grandfather name was nazir ahmed butt and his grandfather name was khuda baksh ahmed butt and his father name was mawaz ahmed butt and his father name was muhayyo deen butt and his father name was sallahodin butt and according to my search about history of our faimly we belongs to pandit faimly which was very noble in jammu kashmir now we are living in pakistan mughal garden wah near wah cantt and we are living here from 1769 anybody have information more then me then contact to me (

Comment was made 10 years ago
Bannavath Ramu says dhadi cast bhat bannavath bhat devavath bhat tajanavath bhat suguna bhat dhadis are rai bhat

Comment was made 10 years ago
Madhav Bhatt says My name is Madhav Bhatt. I am from Bhattgaon of Almora District, Uttarakhand. We are Brahman. Our Gotra is "Gautam". There are many Bhatt Brahmans in the area of Kumaon Region of Uttarakhand. I don't know whether there is any relation between Kasmiri Bhatt and Bhatt of Kumaon area? Some people cnfuse that Bhatt and Bhaat are same. Bhaat are actually 'flattering poets of a king or Badshah'. They are not Brahmans.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Bhatt Sard says bhatt/bhat/butt/but are actually derivatives of sanskrit word bhatta shortened as bhatt meaning priest. A title awarded to brahmins in the ancient times after atainment of certain minimum qualification /proficiency.over a period of times their spread is in various religions and large geographical areas.depending upon various factors specially synergy with political power got them certain status specially control over economic resources n social the race for same they must have had fair share of competitors whom they with would have had give n take'run for money' relationship.Position in the social heiarchy is subject to wielding political power n control over economic resources.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Simmy Rajput says pls tell me bhatt caste are general caste or schedule caste,backward caste? pls reply me, base on indian catagory

Comment was made 10 years ago
Simmy Rajput says pls tell me bhatt caste are general caste or schedule caste,backward caste? pls reply me,

Comment was made 10 years ago
Vikas Bhat says I have created a group on face book for knowing the origins of people with Bhat/But/Bat/Bhatt surnames. Join the group or search for Bhat only group.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Abdul Basit Mir says I am a Mir from both father's and mothers side. Our ancestor were Kashmiri Pandits and converted to islam during time of Mir Syed Ali Hamdani. My grandfather Gulam Rasool Mir told me that that lot of Kashmiri pandits who became muslim used Mir as their surname.

Comment was made 10 years ago
Kashmiri 786 says ARYANS(Turkish tribe) 1)Brahmans(Butt,Dar,Mir,Loan,khawaja,tentra,,,,,,are main subclans of bhatts) 2)kashtriyas 3)weish 4)shudrass

Comment was made 11 years ago
Mohammad Idrees Bhat says Zat Pat say khuch nahin hota.......Insan ka dil he usay sab say acha insan bana daita hain chahiyay woh Muslim ho ya Kashmiri Pandith...........Dil ko Saaf karo....

Comment was made 11 years ago
Azhar Awais Rathar says i am azhar awais rathar i also belong to the kashmire cast RATHAR i just want to know the complete history of the cast my mailing address is i shall be very greatful for this kindness as for as i know that rathars are the "RATH" BAAN of the mughals and then i come to know that rathar and the rathore are the same and it is the off soot of the butt tribe now the question is why they called rathar and onward.

Comment was made 11 years ago
Azhar Awais Rathar says i am azhar awais rathar i also belong to the kashmire cast RATHAR i just want to know the complete history of the cast my mailing address is i shall be very greatful for this kindness as for as i know that rathars are the "RATH" BAAN of the mughals and then i come to know that rathar and the rathore are the same and it is the off soot of the butt tribe now the question is why they called rathar and onward.

Comment was made 11 years ago
Deepak Ranabhat says I m so glad getting much more informations about the cast bhat. I m also ranabhat one of the branches of the cast bhat.there r 27 types of bhats found in Nepal.they r ranabhat,rai bhat,banjara bhat,Sapkota bhat,laudari bhat and so on.bhat people r found in the national political race and in the field of business,social work,sports too. Mr Taranath Ranabhat is the former speaker of the parliament of Nepal and as well the minister of law of the Nepal government too. I have a great hope to know more history about this cast people. Thanks.

Comment was made 11 years ago
Truth Teller says Kashmiri brahmins did not have any surnames before the time of mughals. Most of the kashmiri muslims who have surname Butt are descendants of kashmiri brahmins who accepted islam in 14th century in the times of Shahmiri dynasty. Before islam the kashmiri hindu brahmins did not have any surnames, they used to address each other as Batta (Butt in kashmiri pronunciation) meaning scholars and teachers and when they were thrown out of kashmir valley they carried only this surname to other parts of india and mixed with local brahmins of those places. The modern kashmiri brahmins have various surnames like kaul, razdan, kher etc. but all of them have originated in the last 300 years because historically all hindu brahmins in kashmir were called Batta.

Comment was made 11 years ago
Krishna says i am krishna bhat from nepal

Comment was made 12 years ago
Rajiv says All Bhuts are Hindu Brahmins or Muslims who were forcefully converted. Bhuts were there before Islam so all muslims please don't try to justify this. Yes you were converted by force not out of choice.

Comment was made 12 years ago
Mohammad Naeem says if you have aney answar bhat comunety in bihar when they are com in bihar.and what langvaig they are using in bihar. if u have easey pls givg me answar in urdu

Comment was made 12 years ago
Islam says there are no castes,these name's are only to save remnents of old orders or system....caste is nothing but illussion of mind.

Comment was made 12 years ago
USMAN ANWAR says Mera naame Usman anwar ha ar ma muslim brahmin hu,,Butt,,brahmin qabila ki bhut purani zaat ha jo bunyadi tor par jangjoo,jageerdar,ar aryan class se ha .qadim brahmin,,Butt,,surname he istimal karte they.guzarte wqt k sath zamin ki ahmiat barh gae to kuch brahmin zemindari se jur gae jin ko zamin ka maaliq,jageerdar,ya gaon(village)ka raja kha jane laga ar jo brahmin ,,sunsikrat,,se jure rahe ar hindu mazhab ka parchar kia wo,,pandit,,kahlae.wadi e sindh ki satveen(7th)sadi ki tareeh ka mutalia kre to,,Bhatt rajputon,,ka zikar milta ha jo is baat ka saboot ha k brahmin,,rajputon,,k janam ka baaes bane ar,,bhatt ya butt,,asal ma brahmin qabila ki zaat ha.

Comment was made 12 years ago
Usman Anwar says ,,Butt,,brahmin tribe ki qadim zaat ha.

Comment was made 12 years ago
Moazzam Khan says Mazhar Butt, if you may give name of the author of the book "Butt Se Bhatti", also mention name of the publisher and its contact nos or email, if you found and provide. i will be grateful of you. What you have said , are very true and represents, your detailed study on the topic. Kashmiri and those who are from the valley and surrounding, had refused to serve in the british army, and shown more loyalty with their faith and they also refused to fire on the holly places. once some body told me that from there, the Kashmiris laid the weapons down on the land and replied "TAPSIS TAY THUS KARSIS", where as people from other parts, those mostly are these days known as Martial shown their utmost obediency to the british and whent to the extent to attack holly places during world war 1 and II.I hardly found any coward kashmiri,they believe inhardwork and are very friendly. however, it is very strange that they flare up in moments and there are conflicts among themselves in the kashmir that resulted to immense loss of lives and property and they are suffering due to which as to today. although they showed act of bravery and valor, but lacking a central command and unity at large. you may please send me over the information, i requested

Comment was made 13 years ago
Mazhar Butt says there is a certain ethnic group living in Kashmir (Indian occupied) called ''DAANGARS''. They are certainly not Pundits but an inferior lot...having dirty habits and found near the Dal lake. Mirs are Kashmiri's and yes, they are said to have traveled to Kashmir from Central Asia and some European countries and are also reported to be converts from Jews. Whether Hindu or Muslim makes no difference because most of the casts belong to the higher Pundit dynasty...

Comment was made 13 years ago
Altaf Ahmed Mir says The comments came from learned Kashmiris and non-kashmiris are knowledgeable. I'm also belong to a Kashmiri clan known as Mirs. My great grand fathers came to Amratsar in 18th. century during great drought of Kashmir valley. I think Kashmiris came to India from central Asia and Germany in 2000BC, and settled down along the bank of Saraswati river. Most of them spreaded all over India including Kashmir valley as the river water dried up. After partition and even before, most of Kashmiri clan migrated to present Pakistan. Kashmiris generally are known to be strong and well built,fare in complexion and good looking people. There is saying that you must have a big tummy if you'r a Butt. They have tremendous love for food.

Comment was made 13 years ago
BD Sharma says Every one as quoted above must be correct. One most correct thing is that man migrated from one place to another in search of bread, butter, peace, harmony, love and security with out fear of country boundary ie LOC today and found to dwell where ever he like shelter. So better not clash or discuss about this particular BHATT surname. There must be some ancestral common thing in the past which is being discussed today. We all are human first despite of any religion or countryman-ship

Comment was made 13 years ago
BD Sharma says Every one as quoted above must be correct. One most correct thing is that man migrated from one place to another in search of bread, butter, peace, harmony, love and security with out fear of country boundary ie LOC today and found to dwell where ever he like shelter. So better not clash or discuss about this particular BHATT surname. There must be some ancestral common thing in the past which is being discussed today. We all are human first despite of any religion or countryman-ship

Comment was made 13 years ago
Chandan Sharma says Bhatt's are Prominent Brahmin from ancient time . For your reference you can take example of any sanskrit book written by Aryabhatt,van bhatt, Panini,gaga bhatt, kumaril bhatt . No argument on this whether their origin is kasmir or any where else. They were always part of different kingdom thats the reason u can find them every where in india. Later when muslims came some of them changed their religion like any other caste. That's it be cool :)

Comment was made 13 years ago
Mazhar Butt says @ Dr Ayushman Bhat Those street singers whom you purport to be Bhatts are not Kashmiri Pundits at all. They are called Bhands and belong to an inferior ancestory. It seems they have adopted the name Bhat to stay in equivalence with the higher Kashmiri caste Bhat or Butt. I am not sure about other Bhats in Karnatka or East Bihar and very much doubt them being the real Kashmiri Bhats or Butts. Only a DNA test can perhaps reveal their actual hereditary or caste.

Comment was made 13 years ago
Sumitbhatt says i don't about rajesthan bhat because iam bhatt rajasthani bhatt some body ask me what the mean of bhatt iam glad please any body tell whats the mean of bhatt

Comment was made 13 years ago
Mazhar Butt says Does anyone know the origin of the surname Butt as listed against Dame Clar Butt's name?? What is the connection between her nationality and Kasmiri surname and how many other British people have their surnames as Butt's and how did their surname as Butt originate?? Quite a mystery which still has to be researched for roots! Here is more about her,,,,, Dame Clara Ellen Butt, DBE (1 February 1872 – 23 January 1936), sometimes called Clara Butt-Rumford after her marriage, was an English contralto with a remarkably imposing voice and a surprisingly agile singing technique. Her main career was as a recitalist and concert singer.

Comment was made 13 years ago
Mazhar Butt says There is a book published in Pakistan wherein the author has proven that Butts and Bhatti's are the same. The name of the book is 'Butt se Bhatti''...If someone wants to learn more about his caste he can buy this book from any leading book publisher in Lahore or Karachi. I am a pure Kasher breed- Butt, Lone's and Tantra's. My grand father/dadi migrated to Wazirabad from Kashmir, my nana/nani from father moved from Bomabay to Karachi at the time of Patition. I live in Karachi but have never heard of any Kashmiri writing his name as 'Bhatt''... I had a customer from India, his name was Arun Bhatt, and he told me he was a Rajput and spoke Marathi and had no concern with Kashmir or Kashmiri's. According to Munshi Mohd Din Fauq, Butt's of Kashmir were a tribe like any other clan there. They overcame the Lone's who were among the ruling class and ruled Kashmir for some time when they were subdued by the Lone's. According to him and some other sources lower castes of Kashmiri's such as those Daangars etc switched over to call themselves Butt's. Even the Dars began to write Butt's with their names. Even today in Pakistan you will note people addressing Kashmiri of every Kashmiri caste as Butt's which goes to prove some element of 'superiority' does exist with the title BUTT? I also read somewhere that Kashmiri's of ancient times tranfixed the name of the place they belonged to with their names. I am not sure if there is any place in Kashmir called Butt?? Also, it is said that due to extremely religious-mindeness and saint-worshipping nature of the Kashmiri's many non-Butt's and people of other ethnic races who had settled down in Kashmir adopted the titles such as Khawaja with their names. I have glimpsed through the ancient history of Kashmir, the famous book called Taringini but was surprised to find NO mention of the caste Butt. However, it was consoling to note that all Kashmiri's were descendants of Princes or Raja's! That give Kashmiri's a valid plus point. Let not people like MU Butt wiggle and wallow with jealousy againt a fellow Kashmiri...

Comment was made 13 years ago
N. RoyChoudhury says Khwaja F.A.Butt is probably right. Bhatta, a Brahmin surname is often found in Assam. Some have added Acharya to their surnames to become Bhattacharyas. Sad so many Brahmins in Kashmir were forcefully converted!

Comment was made 13 years ago
Arif says Bhat.. i don't know thwe meaning, But i love it. it is muslim surname mostly in Kashmir and Pakistan. Arif Bhat Bilal Bhat Nisar Bhat Salman Bhat Habib-ullah Bhat Nazir Bhat.

Comment was made 13 years ago
KAWAJA says I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE MEANING OF the name ESHAI,in Hebrew language it means the gift from GOD.How old is this name in KASHMIR and who were the early ESHAIS.Some say this name was given by Hazarat Shah Hamdan an Iranian Sufi.Were the early Eshais jews?

Comment was made 13 years ago
MOAZZAM KHAN says kashmir and the original redidents are more close to the central asia. Till to this date,and despite interacting, marrying out side their own cast, kashmiri are very distinct in their out look and behaviour.kashmiri are found in every part of sub-continent(Pak-Indo)due to the economic reasons and harsh weather conditions, but hardly people or other parts are seen in the Kashmir Valley,this was due to one reason that Kashmiri hardly accept out-sider,they have very strong ethnicity and one can harly find unity among them. this make them week and kashmiri facing with lot of misiries and socio-political-economic problem over the last many many years. it is very difficult to subjogate any kashmiri blood and butts are very difficult to handle,due to the reason, i found their character more of a Rajput(martial) and not of a Pandit (brahmin). concentration of other Kashmiri clans said to be the descendent of Rajput like; Rahtore, Magray, Rather, Lone, Dar or Dhar; from Mughals are the, Eshai, Banday,Mir (not all mir,as some are using this as a title and acutally are bhutt/butt.) Kashmiri culture is quite in-different from Pak-Indo and one can easily distinct Kashmiri from the people from other parts of pakistan and india. also people from other community do not like kashmiri and i do not find any valid logic but it seems more of due to jealousy from their God-gifted abilities, they exebit in every walks of life and distinct beauty,the place and people have got enough chunk from the nature.

Comment was made 13 years ago
Moazzam Khan says About Butt/Bhutt, there are a large people living in different part of U.K (particularly)irish community,with the surname of Bhutt/butt,this is may be due to certain families migrated in 18ins or may be some other reason,if any one can put light on it. there are many other surnames left in the list uploaded like; Banday,Buch,Eshai, Khand,rafiqi, Rathore,Rather,and Shawl,they are comming to my mind this moment.

Comment was made 13 years ago
Moazzam Khan says word starting from Bhutt, bhut,butt,bhat,bhatti,bhati,bhutto,bhutta, bhatia and so on, represent class of teachers(in hindu religion),those who use to read religious books and teach people were know with these names. bhutt of kashmir and of other southern part may not have the same lineage. bhutt or butt of kashmir are very fair,handsome. with the advent of DNA technology, these things can be determin whether bhutt people living in different parts are from one group or not. DNA test conducted some 12-15 back in Pakistan by some labs in KRL(if i am not forgetting,lab's name) proved that our pakhtoon are the desendents of some tribes migrated from present somalia,first gone to bulgaria and the neighboring areas and then came to the present region (Pakistan and Afghanistan), there are people that from the same family (pujab) one using Butt and the other using bhatti. There are families in Gujrat,Gujaranwala,Wazirabad,Sialkot(pakistan),many bhattis claims to be kashmiri. most of them are of fair color and stong structure, not like the ones resided in different other parts of punjab,sind and so on, with dark skin and skinny structure. I read one book and where-in the author mentioned,both bhutt and bhutti were the sons of Raja Sahlanban,the ancestor of them made the city of GAJ(by raja Gaj)in Afghanistan and in who's name the present name is Ghazni.

Comment was made 13 years ago
Dr M A Bhat says bhat's were actually hindu brahmans. . . Its one of the higher casts even in hindus. . . When some kashmiris reverted to muslim religion they still kept their surname as Bhat. . .

Comment was made 13 years ago
Ibraz Butt says Yar my name is Ibraz Butt. My grandfather's name was M.Afzal Butt and my Great Grand Father's name was Malik Abdullah. Ones i asked my grandfather that why do we put 'Butt' with our name where your father used to put Malik along with his name. Grandpa answerer ' that is a tittle given to our family in kashmir. My father put the the clan name instead of the tittle and so did i and ur father' I dont know exactly from which are of jammu we migrated from. can anybody help?

Comment was made 13 years ago
Anayat Bhat says I agree with m u but when he says that mr muzhar but has little knowledge of kashmir history.bhat's are using their sir name from one from low cost community has used sir name :bhat:

Comment was made 13 years ago
Mazhar Butt (butto Na Butto!!) says @ M. U. Butt If you had read history you would know what a wild and a secluded tribe of Butt was. They were beaten up by the Lone's, who were among the ruling class of Kashmir, Gradually the Butts got civilized and are now what they are. Like all Kashmiris they are good at eating and fighting...with each others. However, they prove to be excellent friends of other ehtnicities. Like other Kashmiris, the Butts were also excluded from military service -disqualified for being inherently disobedient. Kashmiris unfortunately suffer to a great extent from self-conceit and jealousy among themselves....and MU Butt is one of such glaring examples. He ought to read History of Kashmir by Munshi Mohd Din Fauq for enlightenment.

Comment was made 14 years ago
Kashmiri says Bhat is a Brahmin name. It is found all over India, but is mostly a Saraswat brahmin name, which means that at some point, the male with this surname was originally from Kashmir and then this surname came to be used by his progeny, even though he may have married with other indians. Therefore also found in U.P, Rajasthan, Gujrat, Bengal and Karnataka.

Comment was made 14 years ago
Amritendra says Bhatt or bhat is common sir name in in north india too. mostly u will find it in gujrat and rajasthan. they have also strong appearance in Bihar,jharkhand,up, mp . they belong to brahmin community but there population is less compare to other brahmin

Comment was made 14 years ago
Kh.irfan Butt says butt,mir,dar,wyn,are kashmiri's.& kashmiri,pathan& afghan people having same ancestores.all are goog looking,fair skin, eat very well,brave, seria sham &izraeel , hazrat ibrahim a.s. have two sons named hazrat ismaeel a.s.(all arabic people are race of hazrat ismaeel a.s.)second is hazrat isehaq a.s.&hazrat isehaq a.s. have a sone named yakoob(also called in Quran e sharif & bible Israeel).hazrat yakoob a.s.having 12 childern(according to Quran & bible).after that these 12 childern were become 12 tribes of israeel called bani israeel.some 100 years b.c. king bakht nasar of babul empire attacked on these 12 tribes.out of 12 tribes,10 tribes migrated toward east such as afghanistan,sarhad or kpk & kashmir. DNA of kashmiri, pathans& afghns are very similar with eachother. apparently & genetically kashmiri,pathan, afghans are israeelies. these are not brahmens or is wrong. are u agree . . .???if

Comment was made 14 years ago
Irfan Butt says infact butt,pathan,afghan are similar in origin & genetics. these are 10 tribes out of 12 tribes(bani israeel) that lived in seria sham. these 12 tribes were 12 childern of hazrat yakoob(isreeel)a.s. which is the son of hazrat eshaaq a.s.& which is the son of hazrat ibrahib a.s.& migrated toward kashmir,sarhad&afghanistan at the time of babul empire bakht nasar attacked on seria sham about some hundred years bc.

Comment was made 14 years ago
Mirahmad Jalal says My ancestore came from Qasba nowgam or naugam near sirinagar we are mirIs there any one from the same area????????????? jalal

Comment was made 14 years ago
Khawaja F. A Butt says My ancestore came from Qasba "Chandeen" Thesil Kulgam, which is now a district. My ancestor converted to Muslim some where around late 18th century. Then in 1823 his son moved to the area near Sialkot, Pakistan. Is there any one from the same area?????????????

Comment was made 14 years ago
Khawaja F. A Butt says While doing some research for my own family I have come across this info. on the net. For the general caste, see Bhatt. Bhatt (Kashmiri: भट (Devanagari), بھٹ (Nastaleeq)), sometimes spelled as Butt (Pahari: بٹ), both of which are a shortened rendition of Bhatta (Kashmiri: भट्ट (Devanagari), بھٹٹ (Nastaleeq)), is a Kashmiri surname, found among individuals native to the Kashmir Valley, as well as Kashmiri émigrés who have migrated to the Punjab, a region divided between India and neighbouring Pakistan. Kashmiris bearing the surname Bhat belong to the larger Bhat caste of Brahmins found in the rest of the India; the surname is shared by both Hindus and Muslims. Historians state the surname is a distorted form of Bhatta, which originates from Sanskrit (भटट), meaning "scholar" according to Brāhmaṇa. While the original shortened rendition of the "Bhatta" caste was "Bhat" or "Bhatt," many of the migrants to the Punjab, started spelling their surname as "But" or "Butt" which is the spelling of the clan used in the Pahari language. People named Bhat were said to be a clan of Brahmin descents of intellectual Vedic and Dardic saints that inhabited the banks of the Saraswati River, which ran dry around 2000 BC. This forced the community to migrate to Kashmir in search of "ultimate truth" P.S....I will also appreciate any info. about the " Bhar Dooge" branch of cast Butt.

Comment was made 14 years ago
Autar Mota says According to Autar Mota at Bhatt or Butt or Bhat is a popular kashmiri surname . The word has Sanskrit origin meaning scholar or a learned man. It is believed that people of this clan were descendants of saints of Vedic period who actually lived on the banks of river sarsawati. When this river turned dry they moved towards north and settled in kashmir valley. From Kashmir, this clan moved to other areas of the subcontinent especially to entire India and places falling presently in Pakistan. After the entry of Islam in kashmir valley (early 14th centuary ) , a large number of Bhats converted to this new faith and kept on moving out of valley for one reason or the other like frequent droughts . Bhats or Butts or Bhatts are presently settled in Gujrat , Haryana , Rajasthan , Madhya Pradesh , Uttar Pradesh , Bihar , West Bengal , Maharashtra , Goa , Karnatka , and Andhra Pradesh . The Goud Brahmins , Bhattmewada Brahmins , Gurjargaur Brahmins , Konkanastha Brahmins , Smartha Brahmins , Havyaka Brahmins , Shivalli Brahmins , Madhva Brahmins and Daivajna Brahmins are actually Bhatts or Butts or Bhats .One can find them everywhere in the subcontinent. Their contribution to Science , sports , Politics , Religion , Films , Banking, Music , Philosophy and other intellectual pursuits is second to none . Some Prominent Bhatts , Butts or Bhats are :-

Comment was made 15 years ago
M. U. Butt says Kahmiri butt are people indegnous to kashmir, they have nothing to do with the people with surname bhatt anywhere in india. the person mazhar butt is fake butt, he is acutally an uneducated chammar who does not know even a single word about the history of kashmir or kashmiri people. The surname butt became very poplular in anceint kashmir and there were times when the whole kashmiri pundit community was referred to as butt/bat in the predominantly muslim kashmiri villages in the kashmir valley. From old times numerous kashmiri pundits and muslims(converted) have kept butt as their surname. Butt is not merely a small clan name but at times it has been associated with bulk population of kashmiri pundits as Butt(priest) tribe in kashmir.

Comment was made 18 years ago
Guru Vittal Udupi Krishna Rao says Thanks for the details. My family surname is Bhat and I come from a place called 'Udupi' in Karnataka. By the way Udupi is famous for 'Udupi Hotels'. Bhats use 'Rao' also their surname. My father and grand father used Rao in their names. I would like to know the link between Bhats from Karnataka if there is any with Bhats from Kashmir.

Comment was made 19 years ago
Mazhar Butt says BHAT IS A MARHATTA RACE . tHE TRUE KASHMIRI 'GAUT' OR 'GOT' WHICH MEANS RACE OR CASTE IS 'BAT' which has become Butt with usage. Once they were regarded as the best of bards,singers and jugat baaz(jesters) in the world-they were a wild and nomadic clan. Many inferior races of Kashmir now have adopted this sir name and they have largely settled down in Pakistan. Some people also confuse this sir name with bhatti which is a name adopted by low class kashmiri converts of christians from hindus.

Comment was made 20 years ago
Dr Ayushman Bhat says Bhats of Kashmir are Both kashmiri muslims and Pandits. Bhats are alo found in Karwar area of Karnataka who are Bhrimans, East Bihar where they are" street singers"

Comment was made 22 years ago

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